About the Baha'i Faith

The Oneness of Mankind

The Central distinguishing feature of the Bahá’í Teachings is The Oneness of Mankind. This principle applies not only to the relationships between individuals but is “…concerned primarily with the nature of those essential relationships that […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Bahá’ís around the World

The worldwide Bahá’í Community is diverse and tireless! Here we offer a glimpse into some of the things Bahá’ís are doing around the world. The Bahá’í Community of Scotland sent a representative to a meeting […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Brief Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith

The story of the Bahá’í Faith begins in Ninteenth century , the country we now call Iran, about 160 years ago.  Bahá’ís trace the founding of the Faith to the Twin Prophets, the Bab and […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Bahá’í Temples around the world

The message of Bahá’u’lláh is intended for all mankind and the design of the Bahá’í Houses of Worship on the five continents of the world is intended to herald the central principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s revelation: […]