About the Baha'i Faith

What is Spirituality in the Bahá’í Faith?

The Bahá’í Scriptures throw tiers of light on the subject of spirituality. Insight into our life in this world can be gained by considering the few brief months of our life before our birth. When […]

About the Baha'i Faith

The Bahá’í Calendar

In July 2014 made significant changes to the The Bahá’í Calendar. This page describes the Bahá’í Calendar as it currently exists.   The Bahá’í Calendar is known as the . It is a calendar which means […]

About the Baha'i Faith

The time has come…

The world we live in Whether we call it “modernity”, or by some other name, there is a universal recognition that there is something very different about the world we live in today – something […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Excellent overview of the Bahá’i Faith on BBC

Recently, the BBC published an article with extensive excerpts from a BBC audio podcast containing an excellent overview of the Bahá’i Faith.  The BBC Podcast is the latest in the BBC World Service’s “Heart and […]

About the Baha'i Faith

FAQ about the Bahá’í Faith

Some introductory questions… What is the Bahá’í Attitude toward the followers of other Faiths? Bahá’u’lláh instructs His Followers to “Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship”. The message […]

Places in Time

Last Continental Bahá’í Temple nears completion

The upcoming completion of a Bahá’í Temple in South America will mark an important milestone in the History of the Bahá’í Faith. On completion of this edifice, continental Bahá’í Houses of worship will have been […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Brief Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith

The story of the Bahá’í Faith begins in Ninteenth century , the country we now call Iran, about 160 years ago.  Bahá’ís trace the founding of the Faith to the Twin Prophets, the Bab and […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Bahá’ís around the World

The worldwide Bahá’í Community is diverse and tireless! Here we offer a glimpse into some of the things Bahá’ís are doing around the world. The Bahá’í Community of Scotland sent a representative to a meeting […]


Devotional Gatherings

“The impulse to pray is a natural one springing from man’s love to God” -`Abdu’l-Bahá One of our deepest human longings is to commune with our Creator. Praying together at a fixed time and place, […]